Infinite Printables for Music Theory

Never run out of music theory printables again! On this website, every time you reload a page, a fresh set of questions will appear! This feature removes the limitations of fixed worksheets and allows you or your students to work on a skill until complete mastery has been achieved.

These printable worksheets are designed to help you master the writing of musical structures. They are geared toward university music majors but may be of use to others as well.

The printable worksheets are meant to be completed the good old-fashioned way, with a pencil. The active, tactile nature of this approach will help students learn concepts better and remember them longer.

The questions appear on the left half of the page and the answers appear on the right. Before working on the questions, fold the page down the middle. After completing the questions, unfold the page to check your answers. These sheets work equally well with single- and double-sided printing.

Note: All links open in a new tab.

A. Pitches
  1. Treble Clef
  2. Bass Clef
  3. Alto Clef
  4. Tenor Clef
  5. Treble Clef Ledger Lines
  6. Bass Clef Ledger Lines
  7. Mixed Practice
B. Accidentals and Enharmonics
  1. Accidentals
  2. Enharmonic Equivalents
C. Major Keys and Scales
  1. Major Key Signatures
  2. Major Scales
  3. Major Scales Error Detection
D. Minor Keys and Scales
  1. Minor Key Signatures
  2. Natural Minor Scales
  3. Natural Minor Scales Error Detection
  4. Harmonic and Melodic Minor Scales

Review: All Major and Minor Scales

E. Intervals
  1. Generic Intervals
  2. Perfect Intervals
  3. Major Intervals
  4. All Perfect and Major Intervals
  5. Minor Intervals
  6. All Perfect, Major, and Minor Intervals
  7. Augumented, Diminished, and
    Perfect Fourths and Fifths
  8. All Intervals
F. Triads
  1. Major and Minor Triads
  2. Augmented and Diminished Triads
  3. All Triads
  4. Triads on the Root, Third, and Fifth
  5. Triads in Inversion
G. Seventh Chords
  1. Major and Dominant 7th Chords
  2. Major, Dominant, and Minor 7th Chords
  3. Half-Diminished and Diminished 7th Chords
  4. All 7th Chords
  5. 7th Chords in Inversion

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